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Interpret your results

Explain the physical significance of C and why the solution for C is not important in determining ;SPMlt;x;SPMgt;.

Use your results for A(t) and B(t) to determine ;SPMlt;x;SPMgt; for the wave function tex2html_wrap_inline489 and verify that the results you found in section 4.1.2 using Ehrenfest's Theorem were indeed correct.

Show that the width of the packet exhibits the precise minimal spreading allowed under the HUP: a) generalize your derivation of Problem 3-1 (problem 1 from Problem Set 3) to the case of particles moving not in free space but under a constant force and b) show that tex2html_wrap_inline605 for your wave function follows this behavior exactly
Hint: Keep in mind that tex2html_wrap_inline607 is a Gaussian of standard deviation tex2html_wrap_inline609 .

Finally, determine tex2html_wrap_inline611 the width of the distribution in momentum as a function of time. Give a classical explanation for the behavior which you find.
Hint: You have at least three choices: a) transform your wave function to momentum space and pick off the width of the Gaussian distribution tex2html_wrap_inline613 , b) normalize your wave function and then use the momentum operator to compute tex2html_wrap_inline615 , or c) knowing that tex2html_wrap_inline617 must also be a Gaussian form, write


and then generate equations for tex2html_wrap_inline621 , tex2html_wrap_inline623 , tex2html_wrap_inline625 from the TDSE in momentum space. (Note that in this case tex2html_wrap_inline627 .) Think through your options carefully and then choose the best one for you.

Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Thu Mar 20 17:04:34 EST 1997