Next: Derivation of Operators
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Physics
Physics 8.04 Thu Mar 14 03:20:33 EST 1996
Quantum Physics I, Spring 1996
Agenda and readings for the week of March 19:
(Note: The abbreviations for the readings are RH = Resnick and
Halliday, K = Kroemer, FT = French and Taylor, CN = class
notes given out after lecture (also appears on web after lecture).)
- L11 03/19: Quantum Operators and Expectations, Dynamics and
Schrödingers Equation, Computer demos and interpretation of
solutions of the TDSE
Readings: CN ``Quantum Averages
and Operators''
- L12 03/21: Conservation of
Probability, Ehrenfest's Theorem; and (time permitting) Separation of
Variables, Time Independent Schrödinger Equation (TISE).
CN ``General Features of the Time Dependent Schrodinger Equation
(TDSE)'', CN ``Derivation and Features of the Time Independent
Schrodinger Equation (TISE)''
Problem Set 5
(Due Friday, March 22 at 5:00 pm sharp.)
Work requested of the students is highlighted by either a question
mark (?) or underlining.
Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Thu Mar 14 03:20:24 EST 1996