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Analysis of a single collision

First, tex2html_wrap_inline396 , the new direction of the ball after colliding with the first pin as a function of its incoming impact parameter tex2html_wrap_inline398 when coming in along the direction tex2html_wrap_inline400 assuming a frictionless collision. (Figure 2 defines these quantities geometrically. Note that without friction, the force from the pin is normal to the surface of ball so that the change in the velocity vector of the ball must be along the same direction as the line connecting the point of contact with the pin and the center of the ball at the moment of impact.) Then, use your result to to first order the error in the outgoing direction tex2html_wrap_inline402 for small errors tex2html_wrap_inline404 and tex2html_wrap_inline406 in the incoming parameters.

Hint: You should find:


Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Thu Feb 20 10:59:50 EST 1997