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Arbitrary functions of x and p

Show that the effect of the ``infinitesimal translation'' operator tex2html_wrap_inline420 on the wave function tex2html_wrap_inline422 is to translate it forward in space by a small distance tex2html_wrap_inline424 ,


Using the idea that any finite distance a may be may up of N tiny steps of size tex2html_wrap_inline424 ( tex2html_wrap_inline434 for tex2html_wrap_inline436 and tex2html_wrap_inline438 ), derive the form of the finite translation operator tex2html_wrap_inline440 which shifts a the wave function by the finite distance a.
Hint: Recall tex2html_wrap_inline444 .

Now, using the expansion


the Taylor series


where tex2html_wrap_inline450 denotes the tex2html_wrap_inline452 derivative of f(x), and your result for 1.2, verify that for your translation operator indeed


Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Thu Mar 13 11:45:19 EST 1997