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Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Physics
Physics 8.04 April 7, 1997
Quantum Physics I, Spring 1997
Problem Set 7
(Due Friday, April 11 at 5:00 pm sharp.)
Agenda and required readings for the weeks of April 7:
The abbreviations are RH = Resnick and Halliday (section
numbers), G = Gasiorowicz (section(s) contained within the given
range of pages), H = Heisenberg (section numbers), FT =
French and Taylor (section numbers), CN = class notes provided on the
- L14, 04/08: Solutions by superposition of pure states of H (TISE),
Particle in Free Space (formal origins of Gaussian Packet), solution
to TISE for total reflection from a step, key qualitative behaviors of
scattering solutions to the TISE.
Readings: Section 1 of CN ``Notes on Derivation and Features of the Time Independent Schrödinger
Equation (TISE),'' Sections 1-2 of CN ``Notes on Scattering Theory,''
G 30-32, 74-78 - L15, 04/10: Full solution (TDSE) for reflection from an infinite
barrier, full solution for finite steps, time delay in reflection,
scattering solutions to the TISE for a finite step in the case of
partial reflection, general interpretation of quantum scattering
amplitudes, magnitude and phase.
Readings: Sections 3-4 of CN ``Notes on Scattering Theory'' (In lecture, we will introduce a superior normalization convention. There will thus be some differences in the forms of the final expressions. Thus, you should read the notes mostly to get the idea of what is going on, but stick with the conventions we introduce in lecture.)
Work requested of the students is highlighted by either a question
mark (?) or .
Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Mon Apr 7 11:35:08 EDT 1997