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Probabilities for Transmission and Reflection

From your result compute tex2html_wrap_inline534 and tex2html_wrap_inline536 , the respective probabilities for reflection and transmission, for this barrier. Verify explicitly that tex2html_wrap_inline538 , and plot both tex2html_wrap_inline534 and tex2html_wrap_inline536 as a function of the incoming wave vector k together on the same plot.
Hint:Note that tex2html_wrap_inline536 and tex2html_wrap_inline534 have very special values at the wave vectors tex2html_wrap_inline550 where tex2html_wrap_inline552 . This phenomenon is known as resonant transmission.

Comment on what you think is physically responsible for resonant transmission.

Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Fri Apr 25 11:25:10 EDT 1997