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The Energy Representation: Eigenstate Expansions


Background: In lecture we explored the representations for quantum state of the system corresponding to the observables of position x and momentum p. We used these representations to derive the forms for operators for position and momentum in both the position and momentum representations. There are more than these two representations for a quantum state. By the quantum principle of superposition, we expect there to be a representation for each physical observable. The observable of energy is no exception to this. In this problem, you will practice the skills developed in lecture for dealing with different representation, but now in a new context.

You will also find that the energy representation is useful for proving many theorems about the time development of quantum states. This is a result of the close relationship between energy and time.

This problem will discuss both general considerations and a specific example. For the general considerations in this problem, we begin by using the principle of superposition to write any quantum state, tex2html_wrap_inline470 or tex2html_wrap_inline472 , in terms of the pure states of energy as



Here, the pure states tex2html_wrap_inline478 are given by tex2html_wrap_inline480 and are properly normalized so that tex2html_wrap_inline482 .

For the specific considerations, we use use the energy states of the Infinite Square Well of length L, which are given by


with energies


where here the Hamiltonian operator is just tex2html_wrap_inline490 . At times we will also use the (properly normalized) wave function



Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Fri Apr 25 11:33:56 EDT 1997