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Discussion of solution

Note that by the matching of boundary conditions of value and slope at each of the interfaces, the entire solution at a given energy E is determined by the solution in one of the regions (in this case, the solution in region where we started). This is just a reflection of the fact that the solution of a second order differential equation is completely determined by any two conditions, in this case the value and slope of the solution at any point. The entire solution we have built up is


First note that there a single degree of freedom A left. This freedom is just a constant multiplying the overall solution. This degree of freedom cannot be determined from the TISE alone because the TISE is a linear equation and any solution to it may be multiplied by an overall constant. Ultimately, A will be determined by the physical condition of normalization of as a quantum mechanical wavefunction. For the solution to be normalizable, we must also avoid exponentially growing solutions in region III. Because, the differential equation completely determines the form of once we set the behavior in region I, we are only be able to meet the condition that there is no growing part to our solution in region III when k and have a very special relationship. Because and are ultimately defined in terms of E, it is precisely this relationship between k and which will determine the physically allowed eigenenergies of our system, the energies of the pure energy states of the system.

Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Thu Oct 12 21:20:39 EDT 1995