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Matching on the boundary

Show that the function

$\displaystyle \Psi_{\rm in}(x) = Ce^{-i k_0 x} \,+\, De^{i k_0 x}$    

satisfies the Schr $ \ddot{\rm o}$dinger's equation for $ 0<x<a$ for any values of $ C, D$. Determine $ k_0$.

What is the boundary condition that should be satisfied by $ \Psi_{\rm in}(x)$ at $ x=0$? Use this boundary condition to simplify $ \Psi_{\rm in}(x)$.

Write down the equations that should be satisfied by the wavefunctions at $ x=a$. Solve these equations to obtain $ \underline{r}$.

Tomas Arias 2003-11-25