F2004 Assignments
- Problem Set #1 (out 8/26, due 9/02): Printable PDF of Problem Set #1
Ammended readings for Problem Set #1 from Vibrations and Waves (VW) ---
- Lecture 1: VW, pp. 3-6 (up to Eq. 1-2).
- Lecture 2: VW, pp. 6-7.
- Lecture 3: VW, pp. 7-16.
Also, rather than the readings from YF, you can use
Prof. Giambattista's text: Sections 2-4 from his Oscillations chapter.
Solutions [PDF]
- Problem Set #2 (out 9/02, due 9/09) [PDF]
- Errata for problem set 2 solutions:
The solutions posted below are the corrected
- There is a typo in Problem 2b. The form of the solution
should be x = x_eq + A e^{alpha*t}. (The x_eq was omitted.)
Solutions [PDF]
- Problem Set #3 (out 9/09, due 9/16)
Solutions [PDF]
- Problem Set #4 (out 9/16, due 9/23)
Erratum for Problem Set 4:
The standing wave solution given in Problem 6a) does not satisfy
the boundary conditions of the problem. It should not contain a
cos(kx) term. It should read "y(x,t)=A cos(wt) sin(kx)".
Solutions [PDF]
- Problem Set #5 (out 9/23, due 9/30)[PDF].
Solutions [PDF]
- Problem Set #6 (out 10/07, due 10/14)[PDF]
Erattum to Solutions for Problem Set #6, Problem
3(d): Since the coil
has 50 turns, the induced emf is 50 * 0.56 mV = 28 mV.
Solutions [PDF]
- Problem Set #7 (out 10/14, due 10/21) [PDF]:
Erattum to Problem Set #7, Problem #1: The
pulse is traveling in the -x direction, not in the x direction.
Solutions [PDF]
- Problem Set #8 (out 10/21, due 10/29) [PDF]
Note: In 4.1c, you only have to find the
complex number "_r_" not the magnitude |_r_|=r.
Solutions [PDF]
- Problem Set #9 (out 11/04, due 11/11) [PDF]
Solutions [PDF]
- Problem Set #10 (out 11/11, due 11/18) [PDF]
Solutions [PDF]
- Problem Set #11 (out 11/18, due 11/23*) *changed due date for Thanksgiving [PDF]
Solutions [PDF]
- Problem Set #12 (out 11/23*, due 12/03) *changed out/due dates for
Thanksgiving [PDF]
Erratum for Problem 4: Problem 5 should
have "U(x>a) = 0" not U(x>0) = 0.
Solutions [PDF]