P214 Lab Schedule, Fall 2006
- The labs are in the basement of Rockefeller Hall in rooms B26 and
- The Section numbers below refer to the Lab section for which you are registered, not your recitation section!
- Makeups: If something unavoidable comes up and you
miss your lab, you must arrange ahead of time (at least one
week's notice) with another of the Lab section leaders to make up the
lab. Note that many of the sections are filled and there is only so
much lab equipment. Thus, the Lab section leader may have to turn you
down. The Course Information
handout lists the lab sections ("Lab Sec. # __") and corresponding
leaders under the section "TA's".
- Be sure to read the labs in the lab manual before
attending the lab!
We shall do three labs:
- Unit 1 ``Standing Waves'' (Sep 20 - Sep 26)
- Unit 4 ``Microwave Phenomena'' (Oct 23 - Oct 26)
- Unit 5 ``Diffraction and Interference'' (Nov 13 - Dec 16)
- Unit 6 ``Quantization of Energy and Atomic Spectra'' (Nov 27 - Nov 30)
Lab dates
- Lab Sec 01 (M 1220-0215P): 9/25 (Unit 1), 10/23 (Unit 4), 11/13 (Unit 5), 11/27 (Unit 6)
- Lab Sec 02 (T 1220-0215P): 9/26 (Unit 1), 10/24 (Unit 4), 11/14 (Unit 5), 11/28 (Unit 6)
- Lab Sec 03 (W 1220-0215P): 9/20 (Unit 1), 10/25 (Unit 4), 11/15 (Unit 5), 11/29 (Unit 6)
- Lab Sec 07 (M 0230-0425P): 9/25 (Unit 1), 10/23 (Unit 4), 11/13 (Unit 5), 11/27 (Unit 6)
- Lab Sec 10 (T 0230-0425P): 9/26 (Unit 1), 10/24 (Unit 4), 11/14 (Unit 5), 11/28 (Unit 6)
- Lab Sec 11 (W 0230-0425P): 9/20 (Unit 1), 10/25 (Unit 4), 11/15 (Unit 5), 11/29 (Unit 6)
- Lab Sec 13 (R 0230-0425P): 9/21 (Unit 1), 10/26 (Unit 4), 11/16 (Unit 5), 11/30 (Unit 6)
- Lab Sec 16 (W 0730-0925P): 9/20 (Unit 1), 10/25 (Unit 4), 11/15 (Unit 5), 11/29 (Unit 6)