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Notes on General Features of the Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation (TDSE)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Department of Physics

Physics 8.04 Thu Oct 12 12:31:02 EDT 1995

So far we have built up a quantum kinematic theory based on the Principle of Superposition and the interpretation of the square of quantum amplitudes in a superposition as probabilities and the first de Broglie hypothesis (). Upon this base we built the mathematical framework of operators, and as verification of our kinematic framework, we have seen that the Heisenberg uncertainty may be proven directly from within this framework.

We then used the principle of quantum determinism and the second de Broglie hypothesis () to lead us to posit the time dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) to describe the dynamic evolution of states. In its most general form, the TDSE reads,

where is the Hamiltonian (energy) operator.

For the rest of this course we will concern ourselves nearly exclusively with simple position-momentum systems of a single particle. We will also work primarily within the position representation. In these circumstances, the Hamiltonian operator in the position representation reads in the three dimensions, so that the TDSE becomes


In this course we will for the most part focus on system in one dimension, in which case the TDSE is just

All of what we are about to discuss is true for both one and three dimensional systems. To keep our results general, we will stick to the more general form (2) for now. The student should be able to recover the developments for the one dimensional case by simply removing the vector ``'' symbols and replacing with in all of the equations below. The rest of this note is prepared with that understanding.

The purpose of this set of notes is to explore the general features of the Schrödinger equation (2). In particular, as a check on our hypothesized dynamics, we will verify two things. We will first verify that (2) is consistent with the interpretation of as a probability by showing that under (2) remains normalized, that probability is conserved. We will then show that (2) is consistent with the correspondence principle by proving Ehrenfest's theorem, the statement that well-localized wave packets obey Newtonian dynamics, and . We will prove, in fact, that Ehrenfest's theorem is completely general and holds not only for well-localized wavepackets but for all quantum states.

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Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Thu Oct 12 12:30:23 EDT 1995

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