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(7 pts) Computer Assignment # 2: Two-slit experiments

In this problem you will investigate quantum wave phenomena using an interactive program on Athena. To run this program, log into your athena account on an Athena Sun Station (preferably a SPARCstation 5), and execute:

athena% add 8.04
athena% cd PS3
athena% prob6

The program will give you instructions from there.

We recommend that you try the new SPARCstation 5 cluster in 2-032, which contains fifteen new color machines. If you have any difficulties whatsoever, do not hesitate to ask for assistance, writing email to, calling Prof. Arias at x3-6831, or dropping by his office, 12-110 at any time.

Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Thu Oct 12 16:58:54 EDT 1995