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Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Physics
Physics 8.04 Mon Feb 26 14:52:43 EST 1996
Quantum Physics I, Spring 1996
Agenda and readings for the week of Feb. 20:
(Note: The abbreviations for the readings are RH = Resnick and
Halliday, K = Kroemer, FT = French and Taylor, CN = class
notes given out after lecture (also appears on web after lecture).)
- ---, 02/20: This Tuesday we run the Monday schedule.
- L5, 02/22: Intro to HUP cont'd; Applications of HUP: Box, SHO,
H-atom; Atomic Spectra, Franck Hertz, Bohr Model
Readings: CN ``HUP,'' RH 4.7,7.4,7.6
Problem Set 2
(Due Friday, February 22 at 5:00 pm sharp.)
Work requested of the students is highlighted by either a question
mark (?) or underlining.
Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Mon Feb 26 14:52:38 EST 1996