Next: Delta Function ``Molecule''
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Physics
Physics 8.04 Sat Apr 20 19:52:34 EDT 1996
Quantum Physics I, Spring 1996
Agenda and readings for the week of April 23:
(Note: The abbreviations for the readings are RH = Resnick and
Halliday, K = Kroemer, FT = French and Taylor, CN = class
notes given out after lecture (also appears on web after lecture).)
- L17 04/23:
function potential. Simple Harmonic
Oscillator (SHO); dimensional analysis, self-transform, motivate
ladder operators (if time permits).
Readings: think about K #1.4-1, p. 39; CN ``Analytic Solutions
of TISE: Simple Harmonic Oscillator (SHO),'' sections 1 and 2;
- L18 04/25: SHO power series method.
Readings: CN ``Analytic Solutions of TISE: Simple Harmonic
Oscillator (SHO),'' sections 1 and 2; K 2.3.3-2.3.4.
Problem Set 8
(Due Friday, April 12 at 5:00 pm sharp.)
Work requested of the students is highlighted by either a question
mark (?) or underlining.
As we move into the third phase of the course, we now have the
opportunity to apply the quantum theory we have developed. This
problem set explores four distinct applications.
Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Sat Apr 20 19:52:25 EDT 1996