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Rutherford scattering

Classical analysis gives the differential scattering cross section for a repulsive tex2html_wrap_inline410 Coulomb potential to be


where tex2html_wrap_inline412 is the distance of closest possible approach of an alpha particle of charge ze=2e, mass M and traveling at velocity v toward a heavy nucleus of charge Ze. Note that, unlike the case of scattering from hard spherical reflectors, the cross-section depends on both the velocity of the incoming particles and the scattering angle. Using the same approach as in (3.5), the following question:

A beam of tex2html_wrap_inline422 -particles, of kinetic energy 5 MeV and intensity tex2html_wrap_inline424 particle/sec, is incident normally on a thin foil of thickness tex2html_wrap_inline426 cm consisting of an unknown element. Assuming that there are tex2html_wrap_inline428 atoms per cm tex2html_wrap_inline430 of the material, if at tex2html_wrap_inline432 , 55 counts per hour are observed in a detector area 0.25 cm tex2html_wrap_inline434 placed at a distance of 100 cm from the foil, which element most likely composes the film?

Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Thu Feb 6 11:34:49 EST 1997