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Quiz II, The return: The Quantum Physics of Force at a Reflecting Step

Consider a beam of particles impinging on a potential step of height tex2html_wrap_inline440 with energy tex2html_wrap_inline442 as shown in Figure 1. The step in potential occurs over an infinitesimal region of size tex2html_wrap_inline444 at x=0. Note that the force tex2html_wrap_inline448 must be very large over this small region to produce the discontinuous change in potential of size tex2html_wrap_inline440 .

Figure 1: Upward potential step

In lecture, we derived the following wave function, which is a pure state of energy E shown in the figure:


where N is a normalization constant and


These two latter parameters obey the relationship tex2html_wrap_inline456 .

Note that the step is narrow enough that the wave function has nearly the constant value tex2html_wrap_inline458 over the entire range of width tex2html_wrap_inline444 .

Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Fri Apr 25 11:25:10 EDT 1997