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Connecting with

The connection between with is just


where c is the speed of light.

We may understand this with the guide of the figure below as follows. First, to compute the energy flux [energy/area/time] R of an electromagnetic wave traveling directly toward a surface, we compute first the total volume of the wave which will pass through the surface in a time t and multiply that by the energy density of the wave u to find the total energy passing through the surface, .

To get the flux, we then just divide by the area and the time . The remaining factor of 4 in Eq. (3) then comes from two corrections. First, only half of the waves in the cavity are traveling towards the opening through which we make our measurement (half are traveling away). That gives one factor of . Second, not all of the waves in the cavity travel directly toward the opening. Most come in at some angle. In those cases, part of the motion of the wave is parallel to the surface A reducing the rate at which energy crosses the surface. Averaging this effect over all directions give the final factor of in Eq. (3).

Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Tue Oct 10 16:52:34 EDT 1995