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The Classical Limit

The energy of confinement is a purely quantum effect. In classical physics the particle may sit at rest with zero kinetic energy. It is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle which forces the spread in momentum giving rise to the non-zero kinetic energy. As this effect is not seen in classical physics, we must conclude from the correspondence principle that the effect is tiny in a macroscopic situation. For instance, for a ball on a pool table (, ), we find , a truly negligible effect. There is a more formal way to look at this that does not require inserting the tiny value of into the expression and running the numbers. One may instead take the mathematical limit to find that the effect ``vanishes'' in ``the classical limit''. In a sense, controls the importance of quantum mechanics and taking the limit is a way of ``turing off'' quantum mechanics.

Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Wed Oct 11 20:36:54 EDT 1995