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Wave Packets

The notion of a particle following a Newtonian trajectory involves the concept of of a localized object following a well defined path in space. This notion is not unfamiliar in the theory of waves. It corresponds to the wave theory notion of a wave packet. In wave theory the superposition of a packet or group of waves waves with slightly different wavelengths can produce a wave which is localized in space. With an appropriate combination, the center of the group of waves will travel with an average overall velocity known as the group velocity. The two descriptions can be reconciled and will correspond provided that the group velocity in the wave description and the particle velocity v along the Newtonian trajectory description can be made to always agree!

As an example of a wave packet, consider the combination of two waves


Defining the phases

and the phase difference

we analyze the superposition of these waves as

where and . If the waves and are close in frequency, we see that the new wave looks much like the original waves , but for a phase shift and a modulation in amplitude A. (See figures below.)

Note that the modulation in amplitude , tends to localize the wave group into regions which travel at a velocity given by . We did not achieve perfect localization with this wave ``group'' of two waves because we used so few waves. In general, the more waves that make up the group, the better it can be localized. When dealing with waves, there is generally a relationship between the frequency and wavelength of the waves . This is known as the dispersion relationship and is a a basic property of each type of wave we encounter. Although here we only used two waves in our group, one can give a similar argument in the general case to show that even when combining many waves, as long as their frequencies and wavelengths fall in a narrow interval so that , then


which you may also see sometime written

where and .

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Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Wed Oct 11 18:33:11 EDT 1995