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Specification of Quantum State

Classically, we know that knowledge of and at a given time specifies the state of the system. Quantum mechanically, the state of a system is specified when the probability distribution of all observables are determined. We still do not know what is the minimal amount of information needed to specify the quantum state . The answer to this question depends on the complexity of the system and the observables. As we mentioned at the end of the last section, we will focus on systems where all observables may be derived from the position and momentum of a single particle. For these systems we may ask whether we need specify both and to determine the quantum state. Perhaps, just one or the other will do. Or perhaps, some other quantity will specify both.

To address these issues consider the thought experiment carried out with photons in Figure 2.


Photons from a distance source S pass through a filter F, enter a semicircular chamber of radius R and eventually register on the photographic plate P. The thickness of the filter varies so that the intensity of photons entering the chamber at y = 0 is proportional to . The geometry is arranged so that . The amplitude of the entering wave then obeys

We have included a proportionality constant and an arbitrary phase factor because (1) only determines up to an arbitrary complex phase. In this situation we are fortunate and may determine the phase by assuming continuity of the phase of the wave as it crosses the filter so that , where is the x-component of the incoming momentum. Knowing the phase factor, we then have

Finally, if we wish to interpret as the probability distribution for the location of individual phonons as they cross the filter, we may determine from the normalization condition,



After entering the chamber with this wavefunction along x, the photons then propagate to the photographic plate where they arrive at the position of angle with an intensity given by

The phase factor comes about because to arrive on the photographic plate at angle , photons leaving the plate at x must travel a distance less than those which cross at x=0. (See figure.)

Note that the angle gives us a measurement of the x-component of the momentum of each photon as it left the filter to be recorded on the photographic plate. To arrive at angle the x component of the momentum must have obeyed where p was the total momentum given by . Because the momentum p and wave number k are so closely related (just through the proportionality constant ), we will often use them interchangeably. We for instance speak of the x component of . If we now interpret the intensity (4) as a probability for individual photons we find

For our particular case,


Normalizing, using the same procedure we used for gives the final result

which appears as in the sketch below.


As a result in the localization in x, there is a spread in the momenta in accordance with the uncertainty principle. The key lesson, here, however comes from the fact that the distribution in the momentum in the x-direction is centered about its incoming value , as we would expect on physical grounds. This is a direct result of the phase factor in (2). (The student should note that the inclusion of a phase in a Fourier integral of the form (6) always represents a shift in the final result). Without this phase factor it is impossible to determine where the distribution should be centered. Thus, , which gives none of this phase information, is insufficient to specify the state of the system.

On the other hand, the function specifies both and and so does specifies the state of the system entirely. We shall now see that the fact that gives both and is a consequence of the general physical principle of superposition.

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Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Wed Oct 11 21:10:55 EDT 1995