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A beam of particles of mass $ m$ and kinetic energy $ E<eV_0$ enter from the right, traveling from right to left, toward a potential function $ V(x)$ of shape shown in Fig. 3.

What is the momentum $ p$ of the incoming particles?

Taking $ k=p/\hbar$, show that the wavefunction

$\displaystyle \Psi_>(x) = e^{-ik(x-a)} + \underline{r} e^{ik(x-a)}$    

satisfies the Schr $ \ddot{\rm o}$dinger's equation for $ x>a$, while the wavefunction

$\displaystyle \Psi_<(x) = \underline{t} e^{-ikx}$    

satisfies the Schr $ \ddot{\rm o}$dinger's equation for $ x<0$. What is the physical meaning of $ \underline{r}$ and $ \underline{t}$?

Note: In lecture on Dec. 2, we will show that the Schrödinger equation (equation of motion for the wave function $ \Psi(x)$) is

$\displaystyle -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \frac{d^2 \Psi(x)}{dx^2} + V(x) \Psi(x) = E

HINT: Recall problem set # 8, problem 1.

Show that the wavefunction

$\displaystyle \Psi_{\rm in}(x) = Ce^{-\alpha x} \,+\, De^{\alpha x}$    

satisfies the Schr $ \ddot{\rm o}$dinger's equation for $ 0<x<a$ for any values of $ C, D$. Determine $ \alpha$.

Write down the equations that should be satisfied by the wavefunctions at $ x=0$ and $ x=a$ in terms of the unknown coefficients $ C$, $ D$, $ \underline{t}$, $ \underline{r}$.
Note: In lecture on Dec. 2, we will show that the wave function $ \Psi(x)$ and its derivative $ d\Psi(x)/dx$ are always both continuous for finite potentials.

By solving the equations obtained in part (d), find the coefficients $ \underline{r}$ and $ \underline{t}$. What is the probability that the incoming particle will pass the barrier (or ``tunnel'' through it)?
HINT: It is easiest to first solve for $ C$ and $ D$ in terms of $ \underline{t}$ from the equation at $ x=0$, and then to substitute the result into the equation you get from the boundary conditions at $ x=a$.

Figure 3: Tunneling.

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Tomas Arias 2003-11-25