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Sound waves

Do YF 19-19 (p. 616).
What amplitude $A_o$ must a standing sound wave

\begin{displaymath}s(x,t)=A_o \sin(kx) \cos(\omega t)\end{displaymath}

of frequency $f=440$ Hz (middle ``A'') have in order that the pressure change by $\pm 0.1 P_o$ at the point $x=0$? Use the following data: at sea level, the speed of sound is $c=344$ m/s, its density is $\rho_o=1.3$ kg/m$^3$, and air pressure is $P_o=1.01 \times 10^5$ N/m$^2$.
Note: Later we will learn how many ``decibels'' this would be.

Tomas Arias 2003-09-25