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Superposition and general solution to wave equation

To find the general solution to the wave equation, we first prove an important lemma which has many useful applications in the theory of waves, the principle of superposition. Much like the principle of superposition which you learned in your introductory course on E&M, this principle allows us to quickly solve complex problems by breaking them into smaller parts for which we know the solutions.

Principle of superposition of waves -- If tex2html_wrap_inline726 , tex2html_wrap_inline728 , ...all solve the wave equation, then the sum tex2html_wrap_inline730 is another valid solution.

Proof: To verify that y(x,t) is a solution, we compute tex2html_wrap_inline734 and check whether it indeed equals tex2html_wrap_inline736 . During our computation, we are allowed to use the facts that tex2html_wrap_inline738 , tex2html_wrap_inline740 , ..., because the assumption of the lemma is that tex2html_wrap_inline742 , tex2html_wrap_inline744 , ..., are all solutions. The result is


and so y(x,t) indeed solves the wave equation.

To find a general solution to the wave equation, we note that the solutions to the pulse equation tex2html_wrap_inline758 both automatically solve the wave equationgif, but each only has one adjustable parameter for each degree of freedom. The wave equation is second-order in time and therefore requires two adjustable parameters for each degree of freedom. Thus, although each general solution to the pulse equation has insufficient adjustable parameters to be a general solution to the wave equation, by superposing two pulses, one left-ward and one right-ward,


we are guaranteed to have a general solution to the wave equation. First, by superposition, we know we have a solution. Second, we will then have two adjustable parameters for each degree of freedom, one value of f(x) and one value of g(x) for each value of x.

Tomas Arias
Mon Nov 5 16:44:43 EST 2001