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Dispersion Relation

Given the conversions in Section 3.2 and the conversions among temporal quantities from the previous set of notes, we can convert any temporal quantity into any other and any spatial quantity into any other. What we lack is an ability to link one of the spatial quantities into one of the temporal quantities. Then, we can convert any of the six quantities T, f, tex2html_wrap_inline799 , tex2html_wrap_inline771 , tex2html_wrap_inline777 , k to any other. A relation linking a spatial and temporal quantity is known as a dispersion relation.

To generate one such relation, consider the wave illustrated in Figure 1. Suppose that the wave travels to the right with wave speed v. The wave speed does not necessarily refer to the speed of individual parts of the string, but rather to the speed at which the pattern of the wave moves.

As the wave passes, the point at location tex2html_wrap_inline809 first moves down into the trough of the oncoming wave and then comes back up as the crest of the next wave comes directly under the point. This up-down-up process represents one full period and takes time T. During this time, the crest of the oncoming wave has moved precisely one repeat distance, or wavelength tex2html_wrap_inline771 . The speed of the wave, wave speed v, is therefore


As this relates one of the spatial and one of the temporal quantities together, Eq. 4 qualifies as a dispersion relation and allows us to convert among any of the six basic wave quantities provided that we know the value of the wave speed v. To determine this speed for the string, we now proceed to the detailed analysis of the motion of the string.

Tomas Arias
Mon Oct 15 16:15:07 EDT 2001