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  As alluded to above, the non-commutivity of operators is closely related to a very basic principle of quantum physics, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Non-commutivity is so central to our theory that we define a special operation on operator, the commutator to measure the ``degree of non-commutivity'' between two operators and ,

If , then , and we say `` and commute;'' otherwise, gives us a measure of the error we make if we assume and do commute. As an example, consider our operators and . Then,

Thus and do not commute and the extent of their non-commutivity is measured by . The extent of this non-commutivity is directly related to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle . Note that in the classical limit (), , and do commute. This corresponds directly to the fact that in classical physics there is no limit to how precisely x and p may be defined so that .

As a final exercise, we verify that we get this same result for the commutator when carried out in the momentum representation,

Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Wed Oct 11 21:37:35 EDT 1995