Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Physics
Physics 8.04 Thu Oct 12 17:01:35 EDT 1995
As in the syllabus, ``FT''= French and Taylor, ``ER''= Eisberg
and Resnick, ``FLP''= Feynman Lectures, vol. III, and the
numbers refer to sections. Here the numbers listed are the
pre-lecture readings. The ``extended'' readings are also given, but
within parenthesis. Reading assignments:
( Last Week) Tue. March 7, Lecture 8 : FT: 1.7-1.9
Tue. March 14, Lecture 9: FT: ``Linear Momentum Operators,'' p. 443-444; ER: 5.4
Thurs. March 16, Lecture 10: FT 3.1-3.4
(Due Friday, March 17 at 5:00 pm sharp.)
Work requested of the students is highlighted by either a question mark or underlining.