The proof of Ehrenfest's theorem proceeds directly and in a similar manner to the proof of the continuity equation: we begin with the time derivatives in the statement we wish to prove and then replace the time derivatives using the TDSE. The first part of the proof of Ehrenfest's Theorem is very general. It applies to the time derivative of the average of any physical observable and depends only on the TDSE and the fact that the Hamiltonian operator, being associated with the observable E, is always Hermitian. We will give the general result for an arbitrary operator first and then apply this result to prove Ehrenfest's theorem.
The time derivative of the average of an observable will always obey
where by the average of an operator in a state we just mean the inner product . Note that our development of (12) is completely general and has used nothing other than the dynamics from the Schrödinger equation and the fact that the Hamiltonian, being physical, is a Hermitian operator.