The intriguing thing about the solutions of the previous section is that they form a complete set, which means that all valid solutions to (1) maybe made out of sums of the particular solutions we have identified. This is a general feature of the solutions generated by the procedure of the separation of variables. The proof of this as a mathematical statement is beyond the scope of this course. We can see, however, on physical grounds that the solutions we have identified must be complete provided that we have the correct mathematical representation of our pure physical quantum states.
The physical reason for our confidence in the completeness of our solutions comes from the very special form of equation (9). It is just the eigenvalue equation for the energy operator!
The are eigenstates of the Hamiltonian operator . Each solution to this equation is a pure state of the energy observable with energy . The only values which may be observed when the measure the energy of the system are the where (10) has a valid solution. This is the reason for our choice of the name E for the constant which appeared in our separation of variables analysis.
The completeness of our solutions may be understood through the physical principle of superposition, which states that we may write all quantum states at a given time t=0 as an amplitude-weighted sum of the pure states of the physical observable of the energy,
In the position representation, this means that we may expand any wavefunction at time t=0 in terms of our solutions to the TISE ,
From our separation of variables, we do know that is a solution to the Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation (1). Because the TDSE is linear, is also a solution. Because, as we saw above, the may be chosen so that matches an arbitrary at t=0, the general solution to the TDSE may be written
The interested student should note (and try as an exercise) that one may go (in three or four lines of algebra!) from the more abstract Schrödinger equation
and the principle of superposition (11) to derive almost immediately the central result of this note (13).