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Cornell University
Department of Physics
Phys 214 September 3, 2003
Waves, Optics, and Particles, Fall 2003
Homework Assignment # 2
(Due Thursday, September 11 at 5:00pm sharp.)
Agenda and readings for the week of September 15:
Skills to be mastered:
- differentiating between the Equation of Motion and a
solution of it ;
- verifying a general solution;
- finding particular solutions given initial conditions;
- determining the complex amplitude from the initial
conditions for a simple harmonic oscillator;
- determining the (real) amplitude and the initial phase
from the complex amplitude;
- using the complex representation to solve differential
Lectures and Readings:
Readings marked YF are from the text Young and Freedman, University Physics, 10th edition. Readings
marked LN are from the course lecture notes to be found at
- Lec 4, 09/09 (Tue): Damped, driven oscillator; resonance.
Readings: LN ``Simple Harmonic Motion,'' Sec. 6; YF 13.8
- Lec 5, 09/11 (Thu): Wave equation for the string; standing waves.
Readings: LN `` Intro to Waves: Waves on a String and Standing Waves,'' Sec. 1-4.3.1; YF 19-1, 19-2, 19-3, 19-4.
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Tomas Arias