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Laws of motion

Having determined the polarization, we turn next to the equations describing laws of motion of the fields, (15) and (17), and express them in terms of the solution ( tex2html_wrap_inline1306 and tex2html_wrap_inline1308 ), its derivatives and fundamental constants. Figure 5 shows the Amperean loop which we shall use to study these laws.

Figure 5: Amperean loop for application of Ampere's and Faraday's laws to a plane wave traveling along the x direction.

Applying Ampere's law (15) to this loop, we find


Here, we have broken the Amperean loop into the four segments in the figure and used the fact that the magnetic field is transversely polarized and thus tex2html_wrap_inline1312 along sides (1) and (2). Again, we are fortunate in that along each of the contributing integrals, sides (3) and (4), the field tex2html_wrap_inline1280 is constant. Thus, for these integrals, we have just the dot product of the value of tex2html_wrap_inline1280 with the corresponding direction times the length tex2html_wrap_inline1318 of the side. As sides (3) and (4) are along tex2html_wrap_inline1320 and tex2html_wrap_inline1322 , the dot products pick out the y component of the field tex2html_wrap_inline1326 . As for the right-hand side of (25), tex2html_wrap_inline1328 is oriented perpendicular to the loop according to the right-hand rule and thus is along the direction tex2html_wrap_inline1330 in the figure. Finally, the total area of the loop is tex2html_wrap_inline1332 . Putting this all together, we find


Here, the only subtlety is that the value of tex2html_wrap_inline1334 is not constant across the face of the loop. Thus, what we find for the integral is the average value of tex2html_wrap_inline1334 times the area of the loop. This is much akin to what we found for the string and for sound where we end up with an equation involving the location of the center of mass of a chunk of the system. The resolution of this, as in the other two cases, is to take the limit tex2html_wrap_inline1144 so that the loop shrinks down to the point x so that the average value just becomes the value at x at the particular point in time, tex2html_wrap_inline1344 . Taking the limit, Eq. 26 thus gives our first law of motion


Turning next to Faraday's law (17), we can repeat the same procedure. For this analysis, we note that Faraday's law (17) looks just like Ampere's law (15) but with tex2html_wrap_inline1346 replaced with tex2html_wrap_inline1274 and with tex2html_wrap_inline1350 replaced with tex2html_wrap_inline1352 . Thus, the derivation for Faraday's law will just repeat Eqs. 25-27 but with the aforementioned replacements at each and every step, leading to the final result


As we have four unknown degrees of freedom ( tex2html_wrap_inline1354 -- From the polarization we already know that tex2html_wrap_inline1356 .), we shall require four equations. The other two equations come from considering the loop in the xz plane shown in Figure 6. The analysis will follow exactly as before with (25) with the loop integrals along (1) and (2) being zero because the fields are transverse but with the integrals along (3) and (4) now picking out the z-components tex2html_wrap_inline1362 . The area integral for tex2html_wrap_inline1274 also works similarly, but now because tex2html_wrap_inline1260 points along tex2html_wrap_inline1322 , the right-hand side picks up an extra minus sign. Our final result looks like (27), but with these changes:


For the final equation, we apply Faraday's law to the second loop. Making the same changes which we made above to generate Faraday's law from Ampere's law for the first loop, we find


Figure 6: Second Amperean loop for application of Ampere's and Faraday's laws to a plane wave traveling along the x direction.

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Tomas Arias
Mon Oct 15 16:36:45 EDT 2001