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Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Physics
Physics 8.04 February 6, 1997
Quantum Physics I, Spring 1997
Agenda and required readings for the weeks of Feb. 4 and 11:
The abbreviations are RH = Resnick and Halliday (section
numbers), G = Gasiorowicz (section(s) contained within the given
range of pages), H = Heisenberg (section numbers), FT =
French and Taylor (section numbers), CN = class notes provided on the
- L1, 02/04: Intro; Experiments showing basic building blocks of the
world: JJ Thomson, Millikan, Rutherford
Readings: FT 1.3-1.4; RH 7.1-7.3; H I1-I2a - L2, 02/06: Photoelectric effect (and related experiments), GI Taylor,
Counting Statistics (``Shot noise''), Correspondence Principle and
photon momentum, what is a photon?
Readings: RH 5.1-5.3, 5.6; G 9-11; H I2d; CN ``Notes on Statistics'' - L3, 02/11: Compton Scattering, Davisson-Germer expt, GP Thomson
expt, what is an electron?
Readings: G 11; RH 5.4, 6.2; H I2b-c; CN ``Compton Scattering'' - L4, 02/13: Reconcile JJ Thompson Expt with GP Thomson:
stationary phase and group velocity, conservation laws and Hamilton's
equations of motion, De Broglie hypothesis, why are h in
the same?
Readings: RH 6.1; CN ``de Broglie Hypothesis''
Problem Set 1
(Due Friday, February 14 (heart.eps voffset=-90.25in0.25in ) at 5:00 pm sharp.)
Work requested of the students is highlighted by either a question
mark (?) or .
Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Thu Feb 6 11:34:49 EST 1997