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Wave packets

The direct connection between the physical interpretation of tex2html_wrap_inline1509 as a beam of particles and our formal theory comes through the TDSE. The pure states tex2html_wrap_inline1509 of energy are stationary, and the connection between them and the dynamical evolution pictured in Figure 2 is not direct. Producing a wave packet with an identifiable location in space requires taking superpositions of the states tex2html_wrap_inline1509 .

Mathematically, a wave packet evolving under the TDSE is such a superposition of pure energy states times multiplied with the appropriate time-dependent phase factors,


where tex2html_wrap_inline1559 is sharply peaked near tex2html_wrap_inline1561 . The mathematical form of the integral (4) naturally guarantees that the resulting wave packet tex2html_wrap_inline1563 will be confined to a particular region of space because the integral is essentially essentially a sum of complex numbers with varying phases. For most values of x, these phases vary rapidly, resulting in much cancellation and a small absolute value of the integral.

To sketch the behavior of the integral, we write tex2html_wrap_inline1567 as the product of its amplitude and a complex phase


where tex2html_wrap_inline1571 describes the phase of the packet. Note tex2html_wrap_inline1559 is peaked about tex2html_wrap_inline1561 as in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Integrand of an integral to be analyzed using the method of stationary phase

With this separation we may rewrite (4) as the integral of the product of real amplitudes with complex phases,


Such integrals are best analyzed using the method of stationary phase as described in the next section.

Prof. Tomas Alberto Arias
Thu May 29 15:19:37 EDT 1997