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Transmission and Reflection in Strings (II)

A thin string (mass per unit length $ \mu_0$, wave speed $ c_0$) of length $ a$ is attached to a wall at $ x=0$. The other end of the string is attached to a thicker string (mass per unit length $ \mu_1$, wave speed $ c_1$), see Fig. 2. A sinusoidal wave of amplitude $ A$ and wavevector $ k_1$ travels in from the right along the thick string and is then reflected. Using complex representation, the motion of the string can be described by
$\displaystyle y_0(x<a,t)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \Re [e^{-i\omega t} (\underline{B} e^{-i k_0 x} + \underline{C} e^{i k_0 x})],$  
$\displaystyle y_1(x>a,t)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \Re [\underline{A} e^{-i\omega t} (e^{-i k_1 (x-a)} + \underline{r} e^{i k_1 (x-a)})].$ (4)

where $ \underline{r}$ is the reflection coefficient. In this problem, you will find $ \underline{r}$ in two different ways.

Figure: Transmission and reflection in strings.


Tomas Arias 2003-10-22