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Cornell University
Department of Physics
Phys 214 October 22, 2003
Waves, Optics, and Particles, Fall 2003
Homework Assignment # 8
(Due Thursday, October 30 at 5:00pm sharp.)
Agenda and readings for the week of October 27:
Skills to be mastered:
- Be able to use complex wave amplitudes;
- Understand the relation between wave intensity and its complex
- Understand the superposition principle for complex wave amplitudes;
- Understand the derivation of the interference pattern from two or
more narrow slits;
- Be able to determine the properties of a slit system that produces
a known interference pattern;
- Be able to use phasors to illustrate interference.
Lectures and Readings:
Readings marked YF are from the text Young and Freedman, University Physics, 10th edition. Readings marked LN are from the
course lecture notes to be found at
- Lec 17, 10/28 (Tue): N-slit interference pattern
Readings: LN ``Wave Phenomena II: Interference,'' Sec. 3.3.
- Lec 18, 10/30 (Thu): Finite-slit interference
Readings: LN ``Wave Phenomena II: Interference,'' Sec. 4; YF 38-3.
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Tomas Arias