In section (2), we found inner product expressions for the average position <x> and momentum <p> in terms of the quantum amplitudes or ``wave functions'' in either the position or momentum representation. In all cases we found an expression of the form
where is the physical observable begin averaged, are the quantum amplitudes in the representation and is a function operator designed to give the correct average when used in the corresponding representation. Here the double over-bar ``'' refers to a generic representation which could either be position (for which we usually give no over-symbol) or momentum (for which we usually give a tilde `` ''). With equation (14) and knowledge of the correct operator, we may compute the average of position or momentum in either the position or the momentum representation. The table below summarizes the operators we have found so far:
As we shall see below, in each and every representation
, we may find a (unique) operator
associate with each and every observable of a system so that the
form (14) is valid. We call this the physical
operator associated with the observable, and represent the operator
as the symbol for the observable (e.g., x for position, p for
momentum, for the z component of angular momentum, H for the
energy, or for a generic operator, et cetera) with an
over-symbol telling the appropriate representation (e.g., no symbol
for the position representation, an over-tilde ``'' for
the momentum representation, an over-bar ``'' for the
representation associated with pure states of the observable itself
and a double over-bar ``'' for a generic, unspecified
representation) with a final caret or ``hat'' (``'') on top
to remind us that we are dealing with a function operator.
Definition: The operator associated with an observable in a given
representation is constructed so that averages of the observable are
always given by , We
refer to all operators defined with respect to physical observables in
this way as physical or observable operators.
All operators in quantum mechanics are either associated directly with
physical observables or are constructed from such physical operators
using the algebraic rules laid out in section (3). It is
thus important to understand the special properties of physical
operators. This is the purpose of this section.
To see how the average of any observable in any representation takes the generic form
we begin by considering the form for the average in the representation of pure states of the associated observable. In this representation, the average clearly has the above form. We will then argue that the above form stays invariant as we move from representation to representation so that the form above is completely general.
To determine the form of operators in their pure state representation, we begin with the principle of superposition and represent the state as a combination of pure states of the observable ,
Here are the quantum amplitudes (wave function) for the state in the representation so that the probability of measuring the value of the observable in an experiment is . Thus, in the pure representation of any observable,
We see that in the pure representation we always have that the operator associated with the observable looks like argument multiplication,
(We have already seen two examples of this, and .)
To transform our expression (15) for general averages to other representations, we write and apply Parseval's theorem as we did in section (2),
where the operation of on proceeds in three well-defined mathematical steps whose application in sequence defines the operator : 1) transform to the pure state representation to generate , 2) multiply by to make , and 3) transform back to the initial representation to get . Although the procedure defining is complicated and involved, it may be applied to any function as input and will yield a single as output. This procedure thus qualifies as a valid definition of an operator. As we have seen with position and momentum, although the defining procedure is involved, it often results in a simple final operation on to yield . In the following sections we shall see further that this definition results in some simple buy very important and general properties for the operators we will encounter in quantum mechanics.